Grooming at WellPet

At WellPet we provide a specialised grooming service for pets that require veterinary sedation.

This service caters for pets that cannot be groomed at a standard non-veterinary grooming parlour. This may be due to aggression, extreme anxiety disorders or for medical reasons. Our Grooming service therefore aims to ensure they too can be groomed in a safe and stress free environment.

What will happen to my pet?   

These pets will receive a veterinary sedation customised to their needs. The sedation used is a type of short acting intravenous anaesthetic and is administered by a veterinarian after a health exam. WellPet Vets always recommend that with any type of anaesthetic, your pet receive pre-anaesthetic blood testing. This series of tests will look at your pet’s internal organs and their function. In this situation the vet will look at their liver and kidney function in particular. These organs will be the ones that metabolise the anaesthetic so its important they are checked to ensure the procedure is as safe and smooth as it can be.

When can I book my pets groom?

We perform grooms from Monday to Friday and have limited spaced available, so if your pet is in need of a groom please call our friendly team and book your pet into one of our three hospital locations.